
Monday, December 24, 2012

Important Web Technologies of 2008 | TechToggle


One of the most important technologies on this list doesn’t fully exist yet — HTML 5 — but in 2008, key features started to trickle out.

HTML 5 will eventually replace HTML 4.01, the dominant programming language currently used to build web pages. But the governing bodies in charge of the web are still drafting the details, and nobody expects HTML 5 to fully emerge as the new standard for at least a few more years.

Identity Management:


Few things carry more value than your digital identity, and yet most web users have only a tenuous grasp of it. That’s because on the social web, identity is no longer just who you are. It’s who you know, how you know them and how much you want them to know about you. On the web, your identity is explicitly tied to your relationships, both with your friends and with the websites you visit.

Three great technologies came to fruition this year to help you manage these complex interdependencies: OpenID, Гугл Friend Connect and Facebook Connect.



A new breed of social app has arisen to help us manage the mess of information overload — the lifestream.

Now, the web is littered with thousands of social sites, each with its own special purpose — Flickr for photos, for music, Twitter for tweeting. Even the most rudimentary services are tied to the social web. Renting a movie, buying a book or writing a blog post? Let all your friends on Netflix, Amazon and Blogger know about it.

Firefox 3:


New version 3 of Мозилла’s browser arrived in June 2008, it got everything right. Мозилла’s browser is faster and more secure than ever before, and it’s open source, so you get the most out of it. One of the most highly anticipated software releases of the year, more than 8 million people downloaded Firefox 3 on the first day.

Гугл Chrome:


Its debut release in September was not expected, nor was it greeted with as much fanfalling as the arrival of Firefox 3 a few months earlier. But Гугл’s browser was instantly recognized as a potential game-changer, both among browser-makers and within the world of web apps. Chrome is a browser built to empower web applications.

Location Awareness:


location-based information ceased being a fancy add-on and instead became a requirement of any serious, successful web service.

The iPhone 3G, the T-Mobile G1 and the latest Nokia N-series devices all have GPS built in. They also all have real web browsers and the tools necessary for access to web APIs, opening the door to more-relevant search and localized mobile services.

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